Parnassus Bookstore Nashville, TN August 15, 2023 Nashville After making the longest drive of the entire tour (a whopping nine hours!), we finally arrived in Nashville to prepare for the big event at Parnassus Books. I was especially excited about this one because I'd be meeting up with friends from Los Angeles who had recently relocated, as well as my buddies Greg Greene and Jeff Terry, who promoted the event tirelessly, with Jeff handling MC duties while also recording the entire event for his incredible YouTube channel, The Jeff Word . We stayed the night with our transplanted friends and their lovely kids, then experienced a little bit of downtown Nashville, cruising a stretch called "Whiskey Row" which was... uh... loud. And crowded. And loud. And not so great. But hey! Folks seemed to be drinking and having fun... at 10am. But hey! All good. I did enjoy seeing the Johnny Cash Museum - the Man in Black is a favorite of mine. After that was over we headed to Parnassus...